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Highly infectious but rare diseases require rapid dissemination of safety critical skills to health-care workers (HCWs). Simulation is an effective method of education; however, it requires competent instructors. We evaluated the efficacy of an internet-delivered train-the-trainer course to prepare HCWs to care for patients with Ebola virus disease (EVD).
Tobin, C. D., Alfred, M., Wilson, D. A., MenkinSmith, L., Lehman-Huskamp, K. L., Schaefer, J. J., ... & Reves, J. G. (2020). Train-the-trainer: Pilot trial for ebola virus disease simulation training. Education for Health, 33(2), 37.;year=2020;volume=33;issue=2;spage=37; epage=45;aulast=Tobin
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